pro - life ( F )

PRO-LIFE(F) stabilizes water quality, improves pond bottom quality and supports the gut health of fish and shrimp, thereby improving performance and efficiency in production.
The leftover feeds, fecal matter & other debris on the soil at the pond bottom, if accumulated, will create an immense stress on the fish and makes them susceptible to diseases and ill health.
Hence, as a part of good managements farming, they should ensure that the dead organic matter does not accumulate at the pond bottom.PRO-LIFE(F) helps the farmer in maintaining the clean water & healthy pond buttom.
COMPOSITION : 3 Billions Cfu/gm It’s a blend of B.Subtilis, B.Licheniforms, B.Megaterium, B.Polymyxa, Rhodobacter, Rhodococcus, Nitrobacter, Nitrosonomas.
PRO-LIFE(F) converts various toxic compounds like H2S, CH4 & mercaptans into stable.
PRO-LIFE(F) reduces ammonia toxicity by converting NH3 into Nitrates.
PRO-LIFE(F) prevents mortality.
PRO-LIFE(F) also contains rich oxygens donors to fulfill the requirements of various oxidizing compounds present in it.
PRO-LIFE(F) maintains the balance of Bicarbonate alkalinity.
PRO-LIFE(F) Application easy to use, eco-friendly & non-hazardous.
- Dosage:- 5 kg of PRO-LIFE(F) / Hec / 15 -20 days [ or as advised by the Aqua Culture Technician ]
- Packing:- 10 kg.
- Shelf life:- 2 Years.
- Precautions:-
- Store in Cool dry place & Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
- Should not mix with other chemicals
- Application:- Mix with 5Kgs in 50Ltrs clean Water and spread over 1 hectare pond. Best Practice: Soak the 5Kgs in 500Ltrs of clean water for 24 hours and spread over 1 hectare pond.
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We adopted a policy to produce pure, safe high effective probiotics and enzymes for Poultry, Piggery, Cattle, sheep and Aqua Farms.