O2Pro is an unique combination of Oxygen enhances elements , specially designed for aquariums. It increases the level of dissolved oxygen ( DO ) and potentiates the water treatment.
Benefits :

  • Gradually and slowly dissolve oxygen to aquarium water.
  • Safe for plants and animals but does kill nasty Blue Green Alage ( BGA ) in aquarium.
  • Easy & handy to use while transporting the fishes or during long duration tank maintenance.
  • No Electricity Aquarium Oxygen Diffuser & Maintains Fish Tank BOD.
  • Increased oxygen level in tank water is known to kill Cyanobacteria.
    Dosage & Applications :

    1 Spoon of O2Pro in every 100 Liters of water as and when needed. Proportionately adjust for
    less or more water. O2Pro is meant to use during a situation when any or all airpump/ Filter/
    WaveMaker is not available or is not functional. In that situation, the Oxygen level in water
    depletes due to reduced or no water surface turbulence, O2Pro is the aquarium savior. for
    details contact us.

Benefits :

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