gut - life
Cures White Gut, White Feces and White Muscle

Intensive and semi-intensive aqua farming accompanies several disease problems often due to opportunistic pathogens as evident from general aquaculture. High stocking densities, high food inputs and other organic loads stimulate the selection and proliferation of opportunistic pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa etc. Shrimp are actively “grazing” on the substrate present in the pond bottom and water column. Therefore, they highly expose to exchanges of microflora between the environment and the digestive system. This increases the risk for the proliferation of an unfavorable gut microflora or frequent destabilization of the microflora, which can affect the optimal functioning of the digestive system.
Furthermore, the digestive system of shrimp is the main entry port for protozoan, bacterial and viral infections, which remain a major risk for the profitability of shrimp production. Presently these are the most important Gut track diseases in shrimps: • White Feces Syndrome (WFS) • White Gut Disease (WGD) • White Muscle Disease (WMD) De Gut is specially designed and developed with the combination of probiotics and enzymes that are essential enough to control the white feces, white gut and white muscle.
Cures White Gut, White Feces and White Muscle
In-take of the feed will go up
Restores the resistance
Restores the Growth
Act as anti-microbial agent
Prevents infectious gastrointestinal disease
Improves the intestinal microbial balance
Release antimicrobial compounds and modulate immune activity
- Dosage : 3 Gms per Kg Feed in 2 meals a day
- Packing : 250 gms
- Shelf life : 2 years from the Mfg date
- Composition: Lactobacillus Spp, Bacillus Sp, Asparagus Racemosus, Cocktail Enzymes
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We adopted a policy to produce pure, safe high effective probiotics and enzymes for Poultry, Piggery, Cattle, sheep and Aqua Farms.